Our entrance is reached by a ramp. You will find an elevator on the ground floor to access the upper floor. All facilities are accessible for wheelchairs. Accessible toilets are located in both ends of the ground floor.
The area close to the entrance is kept free from motor vehicles, but you can still drive up to the entrance. Please, park your car at the designated parking space.
Our exhibitions often include audio, mostly in headphones. If requested, we can arrange tours when objects in the exhibitions can be touched.
If you have any questions regarding accessibility, please contact us at tobias.lundgren @ or 0495-315 06.
Room description
When you have parked your car and left your vehicle you stand on the graveled parking space. In the opposite direction of the way you entered the parking space, you find the konsthall. After leaving the graveled parking space you will cross a paved pathway, which is 6 meters (20 feet) wide. After the paved pathway you will reach another graveled space. On the right hand side you can find a 1,2 meter (4 feet) wide brick pathway. The pathway meanders with a lawn to the right and plantations to the left. The pathway leads to the ramp.
If you use the ramp there is a small pond 2,5 m (8 feet) ahead of you. To avoid it take a few steps to the left and then straight to the entrance.
Inside the entrance walk 5 meters straight. Turn right. When you walk straight ahead to the next door there is a table with chairs on your right side and to the left table and chairs for children. The washroom is then to the right and a clothing rack to the left. Then you enter the door to the reception. Straight ahead is the front desk, and a café to the left. From the entrance to the front desk there is about 17 meters (56 feet).
Roughly a meter after the toilet and the clothing rack, inside the reception, you find stairs to the upper floor, one on each side. Both staircaises are along the wall. The first part of both staircaises has 10 steps. You will reach a ledge and then 15 more steps. If you use the left staircase turn right at the ledge and if you use the right staircase turn left at the ledge. We prefer that you use the left staircase. The upper floor is 60 meters (197 feet) long and 15 meters (49 feet) wide.
At the other side of the upper floor there are two staircases, one on each side, leading to the bottom floor. The first part of both stairs has 10 steps. You will reach a ledge and then there are 15 more steps. If you use the left staircase turn left at the ledge and if you use the right staircase turn right at the ledge. Coming down the righthand staircase there is a toilet just one meter straight ahead. Turn right if you are coming down the right staircase or turn left if you come down the left staircase and walk 4 meters (13 feet). Then turn to the opposite direction. If you reached the bottom floor by the elevator, turn left after leaving the elevator. After a few steps turn left again and walk 4 meters (13 feet) straight. Turn right around the corner and walk straight 8 meters (26 feet) and you enter the exhibition hall.
When entering the hall there are two entrances to the studios, one to the left and one to the right. If you enter the right studio entrance, turn directly to the right, then walk 2 meters straight and then turn left. You are now in the studio. If you enter the left studio entrance, turn directly to the left, then walk 2 meters straight and then turn right. You are now in the studio.
After the studios you will enter the big exhibition hall with different objects. Along the left side of the hall there are few objects and here you can continue on to the next exhibition hall, 16 meters ahead. To avoid objects walk along the wall. Continue on the left side of the hall for another 20 meters and you will return back to the café and the reception. When entering go right 2,5 meters to the reception counter and then leave the Konsthall the same way as you entered.