Virserums Konsthall

A sustainable future?

Virserum Art Museum sees itself as an eco museum. This means the art museum is intended to be a natural part of the community’s life and social, democratic and economic development. Virserum is an old furniture metropolis. The forest and the wood have been important industries for the community. Even if those industries are now gone, forests and wood is an important part of Småland’s economy. The forest surrounds us here in Småland. This is why every three years Virserum Art Museum has its focus on WOOD.


Wood and forests are important elements for a sustainable society. If mankind is to have a chance of a long and tolerable future, there are two key concepts: renewable resources, and responsible use of the resources available to us. Because in 40 to 50 years, energy will be in short supply worldwide, as will any finite resource. Perhaps all of our resources.


Every third year, Virserum Art Museum ponders this very issue. How can we live sustainably? Not just ecologically but also economically and socially. Because everything is interlinked!